Mother God is My Comforter: a retelling of a familiar Psalm
Picture by Ruth Gledhill of an icon of the Virgin and Child at St Paul's, London.
Mother God is my comforter, I shall never grieve alone.
She provides an inner refuge that is always calm;
where I am not tossed by restless waves of emotion;
She speaks soothingly to me.
She leads me in mourning my losses
because she loves me.
Even though I am bearing pain I’ve never known,
I will not be consumed by it;
for you are with me;
your maternal wisdom and healing presence—
they comfort me.
You nurture me back to health
right where my heart is most wounded;
you kiss my head and caress me;
I feel joy like a little child.
Surely hope and resilience will be available to me
every day of my existence,
and I shall be one with my Mother’s Love,
my whole life on earth, and when I die, in eternity.