A Morsel of Grace
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
“Thou cannot be controlled or found by seeking; we meet Thou through grace, in mystery. Thou is an experience of the sacred. If I address you as ‘Thou’ instead of ‘It,’ whether you are human, animal, rock, or ocean, and if I honor my own divinity, then I will honor the sacred within you and allow you to live your life in trust, without coercion or control by me.” (Maureen Murdock in The Heroine’s Journey)
A bee came to visit me,
As I sat alongside the watery bay,
His oval body pulsating,
Gold and ashen grey,
Translucent wings slightly rippling,
With the gentle current,
Of lapping waves.
Two antenna jetted out,
Beside two eyes,
Acutely sensing foe or friend,
In his gargantuan environment.
I watched him pause and wash his face,
Such orderly conduct,
In an unplanned place.
Was it Mother’s presence,
Making him safe,
Each of her creatures,
A morsel of her grace?
Sea breeze exhaled,
And he flew away.
A residue of pollen,
From flowers or trees,
Barely perceptible,
Left on my bent knee,
His sacred offering.