for Companionship on Your Journey


In meeting with others you will learn to attune to God’s presence in you and as revealed through those around you. You will be supported in uncovering your own inner guidance. And you will learn how to become a valued spiritual companion to those you are journeying alongside.


Entering into a Sacred Space

Listening Circles involve meeting with 3-4 participants on a monthly basis to support one another’s spiritual growth. Each circle is carefully assembled, led, and guided by me. I create a sacred space (either in-person or over Zoom) to deeply attune to the Spirit’s movement and help cultivate the group’s harmony.


Finding Intimacy in Community

Listening Circles meet a deep longing to more intentionally connect with others. They are an enriching addition to individual Spiritual Direction or can be done on their own. Circles allow you to be formed by the presence and prayerful support of fellow spiritual travelers, and each takes on its own unique energy and dynamic.

In Joining a Circle You Will…

  • Experience stillness and peace in the company of others

  • Receive support to hear your own inner wisdom

  • Learn to listen deeply on others’ behalf

  • Benefit from group members’ active listening

  • Gain deeper self-understanding

  • Find relational intimacy and connection

  • Practice courageous, vulnerable sharing

  • Develop spiritual and emotional maturity

  • Grow alongside others

  • Hear from the Spirit in fresh and unexpected ways

  • Receive reflective insight in a safe environment

Following a Clear Structure

Listening Circles follow a timed structure that ensures each participant is given equal space to be heard and benefit from the rich offerings of the group. We begin with a guided meditation. Then, the first person is invited to share. The circle deeply listens to the person sharing and to the Spirit’s gentle promptings. After a few moments of silence, the circle prayerfully responds following the guidelines of our listening covenant. The process is then repeated for each person. (adapted from Quaker Clearness Committees)


Sharing in Deep Listening

Circles are meant to help each participant uncover their own inner wisdom and guidance. In the listening covenant participants commit to not fixing, giving advice, judging, or interrupting. Together, we create a safe and spacious space for you to listen to your own heart, speak your truth, and hear yourself clearly.

As the circle’s Spiritual Director, my role is to create a sacred space for you to hear your own inner wisdom alongside the support of fellow spiritual travelers.

Taking Time to Grow Together

Spiritual growth alongside others takes time, which is why each Listening Circle is scheduled a month apart. Time between sessions allows you to bring new and dynamic material from your lived experiences to share with the group. Journeying together over a designated period of 5 sessions enables you to build trust and empowers you to grow.


Continuing Your Circle

Once your circle has completed its 5 sessions you may choose to continue to meet on your own. I will help you get started and continue to be available to you as a consultant. You may also start meeting with me for individual Spiritual Direction at any time!

Here’s How it Works

  1. Schedule a free 30 minute phone call consultation

  2. Purchase Listening Circle package that includes 5 sessions

  3. Join circle and agree to listening covenant

  4. Meet with your circle monthly for 2 hours

  5. Option of continuing on your own upon completion with my consultation

Explore Your Options Today