for Questions about Spiritual Direction

+ What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction involves meeting with a companion on a regular basis to discern God’s movement in your life. Each person’s session looks different, as receiving guidance is a practice in responding to God’s Spirit dynamically at work in the present moment.

+ What is the origin of Spiritual Direction?

Every spiritual tradition has some form of being mentored, guided, apprenticed, or spiritually formed. Christianity has a rich tradition of this in Spiritual Direction, beginning with Jesus and his twelve disciples. People also sought counsel from Desert Fathers & Mothers, anchorites & mystics, and there was a mentoring aspect within monasteries. The Spiritual Guide was someone committed to seeking and abiding in God, cultivating their own wisdom to be able to accompany others in their own unique journeys.

+ Who are Spiritual Directors today?

Today, more “ordinary” people are Spiritual Directors, and are bringing this skill into their work as chaplains, therapists, writers, and religious leaders, to name a few. Instead of going to an anchorite’s cell you can meet in a therapist’s office. Instead of going to a desert monastic community you can seek counsel from a chaplain in a hospital room. But the premise is still the same. The Spiritual Director spends time apart to nurture their own connection to God. The Guide’s own journey then enables, and motivates, them to support others. In meeting with others, the Guide allows themselves to be used as a conduit of God’s Spirit—deep calling to deep, a fresh outpouring.

+ What should I look for in a Spiritual Director?

A qualified Spiritual Director is someone you can see evidence of God working in their life. The Guide is first committed to their own spiritual journey, entering into their own depths so they can lead others where it is difficult to go. A qualified Guide may do this through:

  • Committing to daily spiritual practices
  • Spending time in solitude
  • Developing a contemplative way of seeing and being
  • Cultivating an inner spaciousness to listen to & perceive divinity
  • Meeting with their own Spiritual Director
  • Seeking wisdom in other teachers, traditions, and modalities
  • Facing their own shadows (in the language of Carl Jung)
  • Pursuing their own healing
  • Reflecting on their own journey and stages of transformation
  • Continually dying to self and being reborn to a higher consciousness

+ What is the Spiritual Director’s role?

A Spiritual Director comes alongside you to discern God’s presence being uniquely revealed in your life. The Guide’s role is to create a sacred space to listen to Spirit being made known in your conversation, shared silence, bodily awareness, their own intuition, and even the physical environment. The Guide helps you connect to your own inner wisdom, cultivating your resilience and ability to self-direct.

+ Why would I meet with a Spiritual Director?

Spiritual Direction is by definition spiritual. It is nurturing connection to God, allowing God to take the lead. Many people seek Spiritual Direction in response to a deep yearning in their Spirit. They may have:

  • An inexplainable longing
  • An emotional or spiritual wound that needs healing
  • A question you are asking
  • A decision you are making
  • A desire for inner growth and transformation

+ Do I have to be a Christian to receive guidance?

No. I meet with people of all different religious traditions and spiritual orientations, as well as people with no belief at all. My role is to support you in your unique journey and ways of encountering God.

+ What happens in a session?

In my sessions, we open with a moment of silence. You are then invited to share whatever is at the forefront mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. I prayerfully listen to you and Spirit, offering insight and guidance when needed. Together, we practice listening from a deeper place—to Spirit within you, your words, and your silence.

+ Why don’t we meet every week?

Unlike most therapeutic models, Spiritual Direction focuses on establishing an attachment between you and God rather than you and the Guide. In allowing some time to pass between sessions, you have the chance to turn to God and your own inner wisdom rather than me (another not all knowing human). This also gives you time to try a spiritual practice, do some reading, etc. You will begin noticing divine shifts taking place internally and externally. Each time we meet, you will bring more inner resources and fodder from your life for us to work with.

+ Can we ever meet more often?

If you are going through a time of discernment or concentrated period of healing, or you need additional support due to life circumstances, we can discuss meeting more often.

+ How can I become a certified Spiritual Director?

Spiritual Directors typically go through a certification program through a reputable center, institute, or university. I am happy to recommend programs based on your unique interests. Your training will likely involve:

  • Learning about spiritual traditions
  • Meeting with a cohort of peers
  • Meeting with several directees and receiving feedback from a supervisor
  • Completing reading and assignments
  • Attending silent retreats and program residencies

Most programs will tell you that their certification, while helpful, does not make you a Spiritual Director. Being a Spiritual Director is a call that is recognized within your community and relationships, and confirmed by the fruits of your work.



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