Inner Listening: Waiting for God’s Voice with Hope
Picture taken by Christina of a red bird out my window
Despite the difficulties my heart goes through in any given day (periods of darkness, uncertainty, or confusion) God's Spirit is like the redbird, never failing to sing:
"All night my heart makes its way
however it can over the rough ground
of uncertainties, but only until night
meets and then is overwhelmed by
morning, the light deepening, the
wind easing and just waiting, as I
too wait (and when have I ever been
disappointed?) for redbird to sing."—A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver
It may be in the sweet arrival of peace, overwhelming my fear and anxiety. Or a sense of divine companionship in the unknowns. Or I may hear a gentle voice reminding me of my belovedness. Simply returning to presence re-connects me to my source of life.
The following is an exercise that helps me wait on God's Spirit with hope—like Mary Oliver experiencing the slow arrival of light as the wind makes way for calm, anticipating the first bird song.
Getting Started:
You can do this exercise in any moment throughout your day, taking as little as one minute.
You can also allow more time to rest and savor in it.
This exercise is especially powerful in a group setting; I have included several queues to help facilitate.
Inner Listening Exercise:
Take a moment to become still and rest in silence.
Settle into your body, noticing any physical sensations. Set your to-do list and thoughts to the side, assuring yourself they will be given due attention later.
Take a deep breath.
Fill your lungs with fresh oxygen and release all the stagnant air. Turn your focus inward. Connect to God's Spirit in and with you—always present, a source of wisdom and love you can endlessly draw on.
Rest here.
You can rest as long as you would like. Notice what feelings come up for you—emotionally or physically. This may be an indication of how Spirit is meeting you. For instance, your muscles may relax and your mind stop racing. You may feel held in divine presence, secure and safe.
Then let Spirit speak to you.
What is the most loving, truthful word or statement that comes to mind? Let it rise up out of the center of your being. Go ahead—take a moment to listen. If you are doing this exercise in a group, allow a couple minutes. It doesn’t need to be long, as the word statement can surface soon after creating a clearing.
Does what you hear surprise you?
Or is it obvious, perhaps something you've needed to hear but haven't heard for a while? Receive these words as specifically, lovingly given to you at this time. You may want to write your word(s) down and reflect on them later, or put them somewhere you can see often like on a mirror.
This is a good time to share with others.
If you are doing this exercise in a group, invite people to say aloud their word or phrase. Notice how you are strengthened by one another’s experience of encountering the divinity within. Spirit’s words are now coming alive in the sacred space you have created. Hold these words, and one another, as sacred.
Practice connecting to your source of wisdom, truth, and love throughout the day.
This could be in carving out a little opening for God's peace to meet you. Tuning into your body and tending to your physical needs. Taking a moment to listen. Or being intentional to not get caught up in negative thinking, being hard on yourself, or overwhelmed by news and media.
Going Forward:
Allow for moments to cease your seeking and striving. Let yourself sink into the weight of your body. Feel the light inside you warming and deepening. Notice that a clearing is forming, and with it, a beginning. God's Spirit has something new to show you. Wait and listen. You won't be disappointed.